Every person born into this world must face death. There are no exceptions. But we do not know when death will come or in what form it will come upon us, whether it would be due to an illness, accident, or old age. Many of us cannot even comprehend why people have to face death. We simply attribute death to the cessation of bodily functions. Undoubtedly, if you are a Christian, you would know that people die because of sin which offends God, the Creator of life. “Sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned” (Romans 5:12). From another perspective, death is the consequence of sin: “For the wages of sin is death . . .” (Romans 6:23).
Jesus’ death was a key part of God’s plan to save sinners.
Jesus knew the Father’s plan clearly, and he wholeheartedly obeyed and executed this arrangement. Having sent Jesus to the cross, the religious leaders and Roman officials only sought to rid themselves of a nuisance and gain political leverage by getting rid of Jesus. They never dreamt that their unjust actions were accomplishing the act of salvation to dispel the curse of sin. How did Jesus’ death dispel the curse of sin? Jesus used his own life as ransom, paying the price for sinners’ wrongdoing. In doing so, the curse of sin on sinners was dissolved. This concept of atonement can be found in the Old Testament ritual of sacrificing lambs, where it was customary for Jews to offer a lamb to atone for sins during a festival called Passover. The lamb had to be without blemish and without a single broken bone, when it was offered. The blood shed covered the sins of the one offering the sacrifice to bring about atonement. The Bible also specifically records that after Jesus’ death, not a bone of his was broken, telling us that Jesus was truly the Passover lamb prepared by God for humanity (see John 19:31-33).
Sin brings death. Not only will our bodies one day die, it also creates a deep chasm between us and the Creator. This makes our lives restless, devoid of meaning, bound by sin, and without hope. Even after our bodies die, what awaits our soul is hell, an eternal damnation for sin. However, Jesus’ death enables those who trust in him to be free from the punishment of sin, to cross over the chasm caused by sin, and to enter into the presence of God.
Good Friday is approaching. This day serves as a remembrance of the great act the Lord Jesus accomplished for us during that Passover! It was not accomplished amid applause and cheers. The Lord Jesus silently endured people’s scorn, beatings, insults, wounds, and the heavy burden of everyone’s sins. He did all these because he loved us sinners by willingly laying down his life for us and enduring the necessary punishment of the cross.
Translated by Rachel Goh