I was born into a Christian family and attended a church with my family. At that time, I was in kindergarten and I was never serious about learning God’s Word. Even if we missed church because we woke up late or didn’t feel like going to church, I thought that it was alright as I did not see the immediate consequences of missing church on a regular Sunday morning.

In 2012, I started attending Tree of Life Christian Church. It was not, however, because I was concerned about my spiritual growth. Rather, it was because my relatives were all there, and I only looked forward to playing with them each time I attended church. I never paid attention during worship service and often daydreamed during Sunday School. I was either uninterested or I was restless.

My life took a turn when I started attending Young People’s Fellowship (YPF) in 2015. My teachers were Uncle Randolph, Auntie Baoli and Auntie Veron and Elder Kerh Li. They taught me through the study of the Bible and gave us quizzes to ascertain our learning. As I attended YPF more, my mindset about church and spiritual growth changed for the better. One major change was that I made sure that I attended church every Sunday. I must not miss even one day. I also started taking down notes of Sunday sermons and during Sunday school, as my auntie encouraged me. I started to think twice before taking any action as I would always remind myself that God is watching us. I also started feeling uncomfortable when I sinned against God such as saying profanities or vulgarities. With the help of my family, relatives and friends in church, I also started taking my quiet time seriously. I stopped reading just one random verse, as I used to do before attending the spiritual activities of this church. I started reading the entire chapter and tried my best to understand the purpose of each chapter by clarifying with the adults in church. I also started praying for a variety of things and for different people, instead of praying just for myself and my own well-being. I thanked God every day for giving me the gift of eternal life and sending his one and only Son to die on the cross for me to save me from my sins.

At the start of this year 2023, I cultivated two habits which I thought would benefit my spiritual growth. First, I started reading books by different Christian missionaries or pastors such as John Macarthur and Andrew Murray. Second, I emulated my role model who was my older brother. I also started doing memory verses consistently on the way to school.

I thank God for giving me loving family members, relatives and friends who are concerned for spiritual growth. They are always guiding me in the right path. I thank God for giving me a place where I can worship God every Sunday with a group of believers who have the same attitude as me regarding serving and worshipping him. I also thank God for allowing me to grow in spirit and truth throughout these years.